My Story

April 2011: 25th Birthday
Current Stats:
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 121lb
Age: 27  

About two years ago, I was your average 25 year old. I went out to eat with my girlfriends (often), hit up happy hour several times a week, but still managed to go to the gym (occasionally) and run a few races a year (including several half marathons). Although I was never obese, I kept gaining weight. The weekend after my 25th birthday in Miami I stepped on my scale and it read 152 lbs... I was SHOCKED.

So I did what any crazy person would do and signed up for an Olympic Length triathlon. Although I wasn't a very good swimmer and didn't know how to ride a bike, I figured this would be the best way to start my new fitness lifestyle. During two-a-days, my body no longer craved the junk I used to eat... all it wanted was clean fuel. I slowly began to eat only lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs. I didn't limit the amount of food I ate and was actually eating more than I had ever consumed in a day. No matter how much I ate, I was still loosing weight ... and then I had my AH HA moment. My diet was a bigger culprit than I thought.

My first Tri! (well almost, the swim was cancelled due to weather)
I started reading blogs and body building sites to see what I needed to do. I also started incorporating weight training into my normal workout routine and tracked my food on I tired to keep if fresh and slowly saw progress, but like everyone I hit a plateau. No matter what I did, I could not lose those stubborn 6 lbs. So I sought guidance from a certified trainer and nutritionist. He made some small tweaks to my diet that resulted in big changes. I kept at it and within 3 months I reached my goal. Now keep in mind that I slowly got here over 1.5 years.

To sum up this long story, it was my instagram picture below that got my friends, family, and strangers asking how I did it. After writing multiple emails and giving my friends advice, one of them gave me a bit of advice and convinced me to start a blog ... SO HERE IT IS! I'll be posting my different workout, recipes, and general guidance. Please be advised that I am not a personal trainer or nutritionist; this is also not a quick fix but a lifestyle; and I simply want to share my lifestyle with others in hopes that it will inspire and guide them to be healthier.

Dec 2013: Goal baby!!

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