

  • Understand that this is a lifestyle, not something you do when you feel like it. Make a commitment to yourself!
  • Be realistic with your goals
  • Eat within one hour of waking up
  • Drink lots of water and tea (no sugar)
  • Limit alcohol intake or cut it out completely if you can
  • Eat ever 3-4 hours .. this means even when you are not hungry. This is key to kicking you you metabolism. Your body needs fuel :)
  • Measure or weigh everything you eat
  • Log your food (you'll be surprised how many calories seemingly "healthy" foods have)
  • Don't let one slip up derail you
  • When you are trying to slim down there are no cheat days! You get cheat meals once you've reached your goal :)
  • Hit your calories regardless of how much you work out that day
  • Buy a new outfit and shoes .. it'll motivate you to hit the gym
  • Make smart decisions during happy hour


  • Make sure to read ingredients and check labels
  • When buying whole wheat make sure that the product uses STONE GROUND WHOLE WHEAT or WHOLE WHEAT not ENRICHED WHOLE WHEAT as that is essentially the same as white flour.

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