Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Focus on the journey not the destination

Achieving and maintaining your goals is a constant journey. I've mentioned before that fitness is a lifestyle change and that is definitely true. However what's important is to listen to your body! Nine weeks ago I hit my goal weight and today I am no longer that weight. It happens... to be honest I wanted to focus on running and not worry about what I was eating. The downside of this is that I started falling back into some bad habits including my crazy sweet tooth. The upside is that I really didn't gain that much weight and overall am still close to where I want to be. I truly believe that it's good to give yourself a break every once in a while because doing the same thing every day can drive you crazy. My take away from the break is that eating all those sweets and carbs just made me feel gross, bloated, and unmotivated. I missed hitting the weights and how I felt with my clean diet. Now my motivation has come back and I'm ready to go! After all the weight loss I've already accomplished 6 lbs is nothing! Hope you guys join me on my journey :)

As a side note ... remember to subscribe or follow me. The buttons are right on this page :)

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