Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hump day TACOS!

Tacos are one of my favorite foods and I love hosting a good Taco Night ... but these aren't always the best for your waist line .. so I've made some substitutes. Today for lunch I had my faux steak tacos at only 86 cals a taco. I call them faux because I made a few substitutes:
  • Romain lettuce saves on the carbs tortillas have
  • Greek yogurt instead of sour cream saves on the fat and adds extra protein
  • Lean steak instead of ground beef cuts down on fat (plus you know what part of the cow it came from)
  •  TJ's greek yogurt guac, but normal guac is still just fine :)
  •  Chili lime hot sauce instead of taco seasoning saves on sodium
Just because you are watching what you eat doesn't mean your diet consists of chicken and steamed broccoli. It's important to be creative with your  food and still enjoy it! The nutritional value and recipe can be found on my Flavor page :)

Tacos make hump day better!

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