Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week 4 is rough after a long weekend

It's always hard to go back to the gym after a holiday weekend but that is when you need it most... especially if your weekend involved lots of eating and drinking like mine. Just remember that it's okay to indulge a little during a vacation, but you shouldn't overdo it! Since most of us don't work out while we are out of town, it's important to watch what you eat. If you are going to cheat try to limit yourself to one cheat meal. Don't make the whole weekend a cheat or you'll end up feeling really gross when you finally get home.

Best part of MDW
It's been one month since I started lifting again and I must say that I am loving it. It feels great to build up weight again and see my muscles developing. How are you guys doing? Comment to let me know! I love all the feedback I get from FB and gchat, but it would be great to share with everyone else who reads. Also make sure to subscribe to my blog by hitting the follow button on the right!

Week 4

Exercise Plan

You'll notice that I do the same workout for about two weeks then I switch it up a bit. This is because I don't want my body to get too used to the same movements. I always try to keep it fresh! Visit my fitness page for this week's details.

M: Beach!
T: Off .. MDW recovery
W: Legs and Abs
Th: Back and Biceps, 45 - 60 min cardio
F: Chest and Tris, 45 - 60 min cardio
Sa: Legs
Su: Shoulders and abs, 45- 60 min cardio

Diet Plan

The hardest thing about summer is those happy hours just because it's nice outside. I know I just want to be outside and find a excuse. Instead of just going for a drink, try doing some outside activities with friends. Or if you really want to hit the rooftop for happy hour, alternate water between your drinks and try to limit yourself to two. There are a lot of empty calories in those cocktails and wouldn't you rather have some yummy food?

Remember to find me on so see what I eat daily :)

Daily Caloric Intake: 1240, 3 meals and 2 snack a day
Protein: 93g
Fat: 34g
Carbs: 140g

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